Sunday, April 4, 2010

To sweat the small stuff or not sweat the small stuff that is the question

Have you ever wondered why the small bugs irritate you so much. I mean if you had a fly buzzing around inside of your car while your driving you could have an accident. What about a cricket thats stuck in between the carpet of your floor and your last nerve. Can you here the chirping. Don't it just make you sick. They seem to take no prisoners with them.

How about the infamous mosquito that hides itself very strategically on your body dividing it's attack plan covertly and overtly awaiting to suck the living blood out of your flesh. Finally the sickening invisible annoying knat. Don't they just get on your last nerve. They seem to live for the moment that drives you into the house to grab the nearest wave machine sometimes a hammer to annihilate that little pesky annoyance.

Little bugs were created to drive us nuts! But a little flower given unexpectedly can turn a big mess into a night of romance. A little note place on top of the pillow in the morning after a knock down drag out fight the night before can really work wonders in the life of the two people who were ready to call it quits. You see two different scenario's with two different affects but both of them being so small in their own way can bring about big things in your life.

So the next time you find yourself in a hand to hand combat between you and a little insect or you have a faceoff with your boss, coworker, friend, husband, wife, dog or cat. (1) Stop (2) Step back (3) Take a deep breath and (4) Ask it (the bug) or he or she or it (dog, cat, the mouse) worth it. Remember its the small fox that destroys the vine. So pay attention to the details. The Biggest things in life come about from how we respond to the littlest things. So proceed with caution...

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