Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Does God make mistakes?

What a loaded question. My daughter M'kaila ask me this question this morning. "Daddy does God make mistakes?" At first I was caught off guard. I thought to myself. What? Well...I...Uh... I actually found myself pausing before responding. Then I replied absolutely...NOT! God doesn't make mistakes. In fact he can't make a mistake. I saw in her beautiful innocent eyes that she was clueless to the truth of the matter. I started to think on her reason for asking such a question. I realize she thought about the times she's made a mistake and she wondered if she's capable of doing this than is God also? Make sense right?!

Now after pondering her question I begin to think back to the Bible where the story of Noah and his famous ark. I thought about how Noah and his family were the only ones who were spared because God had decided to wipe the slate clean and start over because mankind had become so wicked and sinfully evil that God commented that he regretted making man and he (God) repented for his creation. But he allowed one man Noah and his wife, children, and family to be spared and than he promised that the earth would never be destroyed like that again.

He made a new covenant between himself and future mankind by the sign of a rainbow. So God in all of his glory and greatness, power, might, and ability did make a mistake but he learned from his mistake and one day finally decided to make the perfect man-Jesus Christ. Today we can go into our day knowing that mistakes happen. But when they do as they sometime will. How we see the mistake will determine if we will have the same problem down the road.

So the next time you make a mistake apply these mistake recovery rules

(1) Take Ownership. God never once blame somebody else for his mess up. Instead he decided to take responsibility for what he created. You must own your own problem no matter how bad it may be.

(2) Do something about it. God didn't just admit that he had messed up but he immediately took action to take care of it. You have to move pass accepting the issue that you caused and find a way if at all possible to fix it. Never stop with the acceptance of it being yours. Now if you can take a more active role in dealing with it.

(3) Change the method not the message. The Bible indicates that God repented for the mistake he made. Repent means to change. In other words he did a total makeover to the land he created, You have to intentionally go another way. Sometimes mistakes happen because of us wanting to do things our way. You can keep your convictions but know that like God that how you do something is just as important as it is to what you do.

So for all the M'kaila's out there yes your going to make mistakes but that's ok relax take a deep breath look at it with honesty embrace the truth of it, Learn from it by letting it equip you with new tools of understanding. Take control of it don't let it take control of you let it empower you. Finally use the mistake in every productive way possible to help someone else not have to go through the same be a bridge of exchange.

Remember God started again until he created you. And you my friend are not a mistake. He saved the best for last.

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