Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"Run Farthest Run!"

It's time to straighten up and run right!

You've probably heard the saying if you first don't succeed than try try again.

You probably heard the saying "Rome was not buit in a day."

Maybe you've heard this one too " The race is not to the swift ...

What about the hare and the tortoise. In the end of the story the one who decided to keep the steady eddy pace eventhough he look more like sloppy "slow mo" the turtle in the beginning won the race in the end.

Life is like a race (not a box of chocolate). There are people all over the place everday competing for the prize. Whether the prize is recognition, respect, retribution, etc... Everybody's looking to win something. But what happens when your competing against an opponent that you had no clue exist. Is that possible? Can you be in a race and not know who your running against.Yes indeedy!!! In fact you can be running round and around and around and not have a clue of your reason(s) for it.

Before starting out on anything that you desire to accomplish you must be a member of the 5W+1H CLUB: (1)Where, (2) Why, (3) What, (4) When, (5) Who, (6) How

(1) Where are you running?

The first thing that you want to have is a destination. You have to see the end before you begin. No doubt there will be times when you want to give up, turn back, quit, and walk away from it all. You better have your vision goggles on at all times. You got to know "Where" your going. So when the road gets to rough and your ready to give up the you'll remain faithful.

(2) Why are you running?

What is your real reason for achieving? You need to do a heart evaluation at this point. If you get stuck here just think back to the Tin Man in the Wizard of OZ. He needed a heart to keep him from staying rusty. You notice I said staying and not getting. Your going to get tired and feel a little stiff in your motivations at times but if your "Why" is clear for what you have decided to do and you have accepted to let your heart take the lead then no matter what you have to face your passion, zeal and desire to accomplish it can be attained.

(3) What are you running for?

I heard a saying before that says You don't choose your ............. (fill in the blank) It chooses you. The thing that keeps coming up sometimes at the wrong time but the right thing. The thing that gets your water boiling so to speak. Better to boil than to break!  (no seriously) Your reason for existing looks for you everyday. The last time there was a discussion and it turned into a debate for some an argument. That was your "What" finding you. So take the time and look again and watch what happens the next time life(s) moments occur. You'll see your purpose staring you down. The key is make sure you keep your eyes on your prize and not somebody elses or you'll lose focus end up shipwreck and losing the race.

(4) When do you want to finish the race?

You have to set a deadline for what your running after even if your not able to meet the mark on time. You will still have it written down. Most people don't  make plans because they believe that it's pointless to write something that will either never happen or have to change course and be adjusted along the way. But its the opposite that you must do if you want success to happen for you. Granted you will have to revisit, reevaluate, and review the vision from time to time. But knowing your "When" is all a part of the journey. Write your plan of action with a date of accomplishment in mind and if for some reason you don't arrive at your intended goal as your moving towards it keep moving until you make it.

(5) Who are you running for?

This is the "wind beneath your wings" Without the "Who" the race will  have no real significance. It will be just that a race. Having someone to pass on the baton of your achievement to is what makes life worth living or better yet the race worth running. The ones the that you love will be the benefactors of your hard earned work. They are the ones who keep you reaching for your dreams because when you cross the finish line you will leave a legacy

(6) How will you run the race?

Finally to run the race you have to get up and get going. One step at a time. Pacing yourself. Daily moving in pursuit of the finish line. If you wait for everthing to be just right then you may never begin. So just do it knowing that nothing is ever perfect but as you run know that life is not a 100 yard dash but its more like a marathon. So lace up those sneakers get out your water bottle, put on your backpack, throw on your sweats, and get a move on it! Knowing that the "How" you run is by each day putting one foot in front of the other.

The road before you is filled with endless adventure. So "Run Farthest Run!"


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